
Cute, Hilarious Starbucks' Parody That is Sure to Make your Day!

Are you feeling like you may need a small break from the typical, day-to-day activities? This audio is just what may get you going...or motivate you to go get a coffee from your closest Starbucks. Remember the movie Frozen with its remarkable, memorable line "do you wanna build a snowman"?Well, with a little twist, this song has become "do you wanna go to Starbucks"? Customers are loving it, and we thought you would to! Source: 

Customers Express Their Appreciation for Starbucks' Baristas

This video shows everyday customers expressing their gratitude for the daily activities of Starbucks' baristas. It's the little things! Source:

Why Customers are Loving Starbucks' Mobile App

Just one example of a customer who believes Starbucks has achieved ultimate success with their mobile app innovation. These perks are tough to beat!    Source:

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